Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lulzism Basics #1

Life is really f*cking  funny.

Every day, if you choose to observe and pay close attention to your surroundings, you can see the quirky ways that life and the world don't really make sense. Humans vainly attempt to control their environment and establish a sense of control over the cosmos, but at the end of the day, shit does what it wants to do and we can't do shit about it. Life, at times, seems like a big joke.

That's because it is.

What is the meaning of life? I have found it. The meaning of life is lulz. This is why we live, why we exist, why we do what we do and think what we think. When one builds on the principle that life is just a big joke or prank, and that our only purpose is to work towards amusing some unknowable higher power (who shall henceforth be known as the Pranker), life is a lot more simple.

We are cogs.

Life can be thought of as not only a joke or prank, but a huge and humorous machine. We are merely cogs in the machine. When we do our part as cogs and produce humor, we are being good cogs and the world functions more humorously, pleasing the Pranker. These cogs, as they turn, produce heat and sound energy through friction. The sound energy is the laughter of the people of Earth, and the heat is the internal amusement felt by the collective human race.

(example of a good cog:

Now I know what you're saying. You're saying, 'Dane, if life is a big joke, why do bad things happen?' This poses an interesting question, as the Pranker surely would not derive amusement from our death (which leads into how valuable human life is, which will be discussed at a later date). The answer is relatively simple: some people do not realize their purpose as cogs, and so seek other aims like an afterlife or the "progression of mankind" (not necessarily bad things to seek, as the pursuit of them can cause lulz and thus fuel the machine) and neglect their duty to amuse the Pranker. These people are called "grinders", because they just sit and clog up the machine, therefore grinding against and wearing down all the other cogs. When enough grinders exist in the world, *bam* bad things.

(example of a grinder:

I give you the founding of a new religion, a true religion. I give you the foundation of the Book of Lulz.


  1. I agree completely. I'm so glad someone can finally see the true meaning of life, and can offer me a way to truly live. Praise Pranker.

  2. But what if I shoot someone in the back and laugh afterwards? Am I still a faithful cog?
